Annual Events

Nearly every year the PTSCA:

- Hosts a Cinco de Mayo fiesta (early May)

- Alternate years we send a Pleasanton delegation to Tulancingo in April

- Sponsors a Youth Ambassador Exchange with Tulancingo during the Summer

- Holds an annual auction/BBQ to raise funds for programs

- Hosts a delegation from Tulancingo in laternate Spring times

- Often participates with a float in the Pleasanton Holiday Parade

- Hosts a Posada (Christmas Pageant with piñatas) for local children

- Sponsors seminars, booths, and discussions on Mexico related topics

The PTSCA often has coordinated events with both Pleasanton high school Spanish clubs, local businesses, and several service and charitable organizations.

We have Membership dinners in January and early July, and a "Bien Viaje" (bon voyage) picnic in July for the youth delegation to Tulancingo.

We are always looking for new ideas, let us know what you'd like!